Page 97 - Tarih Çevresi Dergisi
P. 97

tarih çevresi

      XV-XIX. The Changing Turkish Image From The Eyes Of Western
      Travelers Over The Centuries, The Ottoman Empire, Istanbul and

                                        Hagia Sophia


Istanbul has been one of the most important cities in the world since the oldest times of history. It has
been the cradle of many civilizations and has a special importance with the cultural and historical
heritage left over from these civilizations. It has also been frequented by Western travelers who played
a role in shaping diplomatic relations between the Ottoman Empire and other states. Hagia Sophia
(Ayasofya) is still the most famous building visited by Western travelers in İstanbul. Although most
of these visits are aimed at gathering information to be used in diplomatic relations, the travelers in
their works conveyed important information about the permanent residents of the city they admire,
the Turks. Pero Tafur, Polish Simeon, Ogier Ghislan Busbecq, Frederick Walpole, Arminius Vámbéry,
Mme de Gasparin, and Henry Fanshawe Tozer are some of the travelers involved in the study. In this
study, the travel book samples of the Western travelers who came to the Ottoman lands between the
years 1500-1950 about Istanbul, Hagia Sophia and Turks were discussed. Also in the study, the striking
statements made by travelers who visited these lands during the most painful years of the Ottoman
Empire and the general situation of the empire and Sultan II. Mahmoud and Sultan II. Abdulhamid
brief information about the times of was given.

Keywords: Ottoman Empire, II. Abdülhamid, Traveler, İstanbul, Hagia Sophia (Ayasofya).

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