Page 43 - Tarih Çevresi Dergisi
P. 43
tarih çevresi
Ashnda Sultan Alp·.'m izini alan ve NizamU'l-MUlk, Sultan'm
imparatorlugunun ,eiitli bolgelerinde okullarm i?as, emrini uygularm?trr. Hatta Sultan
Alp Arslan devlet but,esinin onda birini iniaat harcamalarma sarfetmesi i,in vezire
tahsisini istemWir.
Sel,uklu imparatorlugu ve Siinni.akidenin yerleimesinde; mezhep hizipciligine
ve · manevi ve politik ,abalara kar?1 koymada; medrese sistemini a91k bir
gorevleudirme fikrinin ilk kez olmak Uzere NizamU'l-MUlk'e ait olduguna dair gene! bir
kabul vard!I'. 0, bu okullar1, Sel,uklu imparatoduk . politikasmm bir sosyal
biltiinle?tirmeyi destekleme arac1 haline getirmiitir.
HUlasa; . modem bHim adamlar1 arasmda gene! olarak, islam diinyasmda
NizamU'l-MUlk zamanmdan once de medreselerin mevcudiyetine dair inanc1 i,eren
benzer goruiler vardrr.
The saljuq Empire is one of the most magnificient states of the Histo,\-y of the
wo. rld. in the.Saljuq times the most brilliant period is time ofsaljuq kings Alp Arslan and
his son Malikshah. Both ofthem are intelligent, foresight and succesful.
.Nizam al Mulk (d. 1092) is vezier of the Saljuq kings Alp Arslan and
Malikshah. Vezier is never a Sultan. He is the highest grade an official. He puts in to
force his duty in the name of s.ultan.
The madrasa in islam the school for higher education in theology and law.
The ''primitive madrasas" of Khurasan and Transoxiana were apparently
mosque scliools and private. schools, and were developed in order to counteract the
influence ofthe schools attached to Karranid monasteries,
The madrasa system was the result of a continuous development of the schools
of the districts of Khurasan, which were also called madrasas. This place of origin
should be enlarged by the addition ofTransoxiana.
The Nizamiya Madrasa represents the culmination of an evolutionary process,
and it is impossible that it should have been created by Nizam al Mnlk out Ma vacuum.